A Tale Of Two Fathers (Fantasy) *Purely For Entertainment Purposes*

 A Tale of Two Fathers

Once upon a time not so long ago in the land of Fairytales lived two actors. There were also  a model and a Fairytale Movie Company Executive (Allegedly).  In this land of Fairytales and broken dreams. The Model and (Ahem) Movie Company Executive, lets give them all names. The Model we will call her Estella and the Movie Exec we will call her Monica. These two ladies and,  I use that term kind of on the loose side at least maybe for one of them. They are involved in Fairytale PR Relationships, which means they get paid and/ or they get benefits or both for being involved with these actors. Oh dear I guess I should give them names too.

Well, I don’t want to make it too complicated for you readers out there, so Actor number 1, he has mostly been a TV series actor, he is not American but he has played one on TV we will call him Mason, yeah that works. Actor number 2, he’s more of a movie actor but he’s done a series or two.  He is also not American but he definitely can sound like it any time he wants, let’s call him Alexander yeah I like that.

Now let’s just imagine in our little story that Monica and Alexander are in their PR relationship but things are not going so well. Mason is single he is playing the field at this time.  He hasn’t gotten into his PR relationship yet but he knows Monica, yes they have dated before. Monica is getting bored because Alexander is gone a lot and he won’t take her out to play. As luck 🍀 would have Mason is in town visiting friends on the way to visit his family, Monica doesn’t expect Alexander anytime soon and he doesn’t stay with her anyway so it doesn’t matter.

So Mason and Monica rent this lovely out of the way cottage and they have lots of fun catching up. There’s a nice beach and they work on their tans when they aren’t working on each other.

Christmas rolls around and Mason can’t convince Monica to leave Alexander. He’s very upset he loves Monica. But she doesn’t want to leave the movie actor for the tv actor. It’s all about the Benjamin’s baby with Monica she might love Mason but she doesn’t want to let  Alexander go.

They have one last fling in February just before she goes out of town with Alexander. She’s looking forward to it because he didn’t let her go the last time he went to a Movie Premiere she had to stay home.  However, this time she plans to knock his socks off with the dress of dresses she’s going to wear.  Epic fail, what  she ends up with is an embarrassing wardrobe malfunction instead. Monica is ushered away as Alexander makes the rounds with the fans as he usually does leaving her to her own devices bored, alone and miserable. She hates his fans so much!

She knows one thing for sure, she has to get him to sleep with her this time.  He always has someone watching, keeping her away from him. Tonight is no exception.  However it’s more important than ever. She’s pregnant and she has to make him think it’s his. Of course it’s Mason’s but that’s not the life she wants and her family will be very disappointed. Plus Mason has a girlfriend now, he has moved on to Estella she’s a beautiful model. So there’s no way he will give her up after she refused to leave Alexander.  Mason will never believe that she has never had sex with Alexander either so that would be a hard sell. If only, she could just get Alexander drunk enough. Now that, she had done before!  It worked then that’s exactly how she ended it up getting this gravy PR Relationship, so why not?

Why not is right, because he had his hotel bedroom bolted from the inside, she couldn’t get in. Damn him. Now what was she going to do.  She couldn’t have another abortion she had done it before, and the last time they warned here she might not be able to have kids if she did.

Okay so now what Monica? She says to herself if he wouldn’t touch me with my boobs on display and in fact he bolted the fucking door.  Think fast Monica think, she says to herself, they fly back to the UK in two days. She knows there’s no chance she will get Alexander alone much less get in his bed.  Morning comes and the headline of the news is talking about her dress none of it good. What a disaster, she just stays in her room, and drinks.

Meanwhile, Gavin and Estella are getting along very nicely. He likes the fact that she’s a model that doesn’t hurt his career one bit. She’s pretty happy with the arrangements too, it gives her a career boost as well, after all maybe she will try her hand at acting some day. Gavin’s series just wrapped it’s third season and was a pretty big hit. A Volcano Thru Time, and looks like he has another series ready to go.  Definitely looks like a great arrangement she has made.

A few months go by and Monica has found no opportunity with Alexander to pawn this baby off on him. So now what does she do? It’s now April they are about to head to the United States for a press tour and premiere for his new movie. Monica has been really excited to strut the red carpet again and show off. Hopefully her stylist Elizabeth Ann will arrange something for her and keep her secret until she figures out what she’s going to do. Monica thinks for a bit and then decides to confide in her two besties for advice, Wendy and Wendy hah always her favorite Witchy girls.

Well, now Monica has a plan. She and Alexander don’t live together. So he hasn’t seen her, he doesn’t see her until she is dressed at the hotel and out of her room .  Now the clear plan was formed she and the Wendy’s had decided she would wear looser fitting clothes anytime she was around Alexander.  Until just the right moment, when that moment came she would put on a body con dress and step out of her room. Alexander would be already waiting on her. So, it’s not like he could tackle her in front of a hotel full of people. She would be seen with a baby bump and right then and there he would have to roll with it….

Part One to be continued… Sherry McCormick©️ 01/26/2025

*This is purely for entertainment purposes*


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