A Tale Of Two Fathers Part Two (FANTASY) *For Entertainment Purposes Only***
A Tale of Two Fathers Part Two
Monica check’s herself in the mirror one last time before she walks out. She asks her Stylist Elizabeth, who has agreed to keep her secret, how she looks? “Elizabeth says, “She has that beautiful glow of an expectant mother” she urges her not to worry. Monica then heads towards the door, her tight sweater sweater dress purposely one size too small, to show off the prominent protruding bump in front. She knows on the other side, Alexander will be waiting with Tyler his cousin and then they will head towards the outer lobby. There all the of the “Fans” will be waiting on their precious Alexander, God they made her sick! She’s suddenly very nervous about what she’s about to do. Elizabeth pats her on the back, Monica opens the door there’s no turning back now…
Alexander is standing there texting on his phone; slowly he stops when the store swings open. Alexander looks up but his eyes don’t make it to her face, they stop right there at her stomach at the bump he has never seen before. He loudly says, “WHAT THE FUCKING HELL IS THIS?” Tyler grabs him by the shoulder and ushers him around the corner. Tyler is trying to keep Alex from mtalking too loudly but failing. Monica has no idea what is being said but she can tell that Alexander is terribly angry. Tyler appears from around the corner and says, wait right here, Alexander needs a few minutes.
Alexander returns, he is seething with anger, by now the hall is full of people who have heard he is in the hotel, just as Monica had hoped would happen. No way he can send her back to the room, but will he flat out deny the baby is his and cause a scandal? He looks her in the eyes seething and “says you will pay dearly for this. By God you have done everything to destroy my life, you will pay for this Monica, you WILL PAY! “
The lobby is full of people, and they all are whispering amongst themselves, obviously it’s the one thing they see, the only thing. Monica is thinking to herself that she has just scored a home run. Alexander is thinking to himself, how can he get rid of her by any means possible, that baby isn’t his and he will not allow her to trap him. Alexander has been waiting for this PR Relationship to end so he could move on with his life and be happy again, damn her, but he just keeps smiling…
Finally, they make it to the front door of the hotel. Photographers were everywhere, much more than even usual, no doubt thanks to a well-planned tip from Monica. The bodyguards went out first, Tyler beside Alex and another one behind Monica, she wanted to get a great shot from the cameras. There were questions flying at me about pregnancy, about autographs, and all I remembered saying is no autographs, as we were shuffled into the SUV. I was holding my head in my hands. Never had I declined fans autographs before. I was just so upset. I needed to make some phone calls quickly to Sully, the film director before the Premiere tonight of our movie, “The Elite Men of the SAS.” I had to hold the phone away from my ears, as I expected Sully wasn’t happy. He didn’t want anything to overshadow this U.S Premiere. Sully made the decision that Monica was not to attend the premiere, that did make me happy I must admit. Oh, she most definitely would pitch a fit, but she knew better than to say anything to Sully. He is not a guy you want to piss off in this industry. Monica was at least smart enough to know that. We continued to our lunch destination where we ate in silence, every time Monica tried to talk to him, he gave her a look that said don’t open your mouth about this here. Monica knew better than to say anything, she knew Alexander would cause a serious scene right there and say she was a tramp and the baby wasn’t his. Damn her, Alexander was thinking, they were going to ask him about this tonight at the Premiere. What the hell was I going to say? What a fucking bitch! The same bitch that was sitting across from him smirking for the camera.
Finally, they made it back to the hotel, where he couldn’t get away from Monica fast enough. He went to his room where he promptly vomited up his entire meal. Suddenly it dawned on him what was he going to tell Lainey? She had been the one bright spot in his life. The only person who knew the truth about what he was really going through, now though he could lose her. What if she didn’t believe him? One thing is for sure he better call her; this wasn’t meant for a text. Alexander texted Tyler to come in and that he needed to borrow his phone, no questions asked. Tyler came in immediately, gave him his phone and was walking back out, Alex said this never happened and I will be erasing this call. Tyler said you know I got your back. Alex said you better have it, this is a nightmare! Alex checked the time, and it was around 5 pm, for once they were in the same time zone. He dialed up Lainey he didn’t know if she would answer a call from a strange number, especially a video chat The phone rang five times no answer. Alex decided to text her that he was calling her, why hadn’t he done that first. Truthfully, he was so upset he wasn’t thinking. Now hopefully she would answer him, and she did.
Lainey was so pretty, girl next door beautiful. She was just everything you wanted, that smile was everything. She said, “Hey honey what’s going on? You never do this.” I said, “I don’t know how to say this, but Monica has pulled a terrible trick, and you’re going to see it probably everywhere soon. I had to call you to let you know that it’s not true. I know tonight at the Premiere I will be asked about it and I don’t know what to say. All I can say to you my love is you know she and I don’t live together, and this baby can’t be mine. “Lainey got very quiet, he could see the tears in her eyes, and it was breaking his heart, by God Monica would pay. Alex waited another second and he spoke, “Honey, you believe me, don’t you?” she said, Yes, I do, I know you would not have taken this risk to call me if you were not telling me the truth. I also know how devious she and her twisted friends are, but what are you going to do?” Alex said, I don’t know it’s plainly important that you believe me my love, it’s going to end soon, we will work it out. I love you Lainey so much, but I have to get dressed for tonight.” Lainey said, “I love you too, please be careful and don’t trust her with anything anymore.” Alex then said, never again will I make that mistake, she has kept us apart far too long, I love you so much, See you soon my love…”
Six O’clock came and it was time to leave for the Premiere. God, he dreaded this worse than anything in his life ever but at least Lainey knew, and that gave him some peace. The night went on as usual with screening of the movie, and photos, then came the dreaded interviews. He knew it was coming, and it did, Entertainment Hollywood asked him the question, before he could think of what to say he just muttered yes and looked at the ground, they asked him some other questions and he had no idea what he said. He was just so glad the interview was over.
Alexander arrived back at the hotel to photographers everywhere and people congratulating him on the baby, Monica was there waiting in the lobby smirking. Ready to go out to dinner, all he wanted to do was vomit some more. What will Lainey think now? Omg, what had he done?
The next day they were back on a plane, Alexander was going back to the UK and Monica was staying in LA with her friends. Monica was also excited because Gavin was also living in LA she hoped this would give her the opportunity to talk to him about the baby and make some plans.
But what would Gavin say? What would he do? He was now with Estella, but this baby was really his and Monica was relying on the fact that this would matter to Gavin, how much she didn’t know….
To be continued....
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